A Study On
The Hour of Yahushua`s Impalation has caused quite a measure of confusion in the minds of many earnest Bible students for, in their study of the Gospel Accounts of His Passion,they find what appears to be a contradiction regarding His time of crucifixion.
St. Mark`s Gospel Ch.15:25 records: `and it was the 3rd hour and they impaled Him`.
Some translations even say, `And it was 9 o`clock in the morning and they crucified Him`.
And so, most of Christendom believes that Yahushua was crucified at that early time of day.
And yet, in St John`s Account of the Passion of Christ, ch.19:13-17, we find that at the 6th. hour Yahushua was still in the Judgement Hall of Pilate yet awaiting condemnation to death.
He had not even been led away to Golgotha as yet !!
Now, if the 3rd Hour is reckoned to be 09.00am then naturally the 6th Hour would be 12.00 midday.
Thus St Mark appears to say he was impaled at 09.00am, whilst St John says it was after 12.00 midday.
So, in the face of this seeming contradiction what then is the truth???
And if one accepts the declaration of Rabbi Shaul that
"All Scripture Is Inspired Of Elohim"
then surely the seeming problem should evaporate after diligent study??
Let us find out!!
St Mark in his Gospel Account uses the phrase `Watch` as a measure of time.
For instance, in chapter 6 verse 48, when recording Yahushua walking on the water, he says,
"And about the 4th Watch of the Night, He came to them walking on the sea."
The Hebrew Night was divided into 4 `Watches` or Time-Frames;
1st. Watch from 18.30 `til 21.30 (approx).
2nd. Watch.. 21.30 To 00.30am (approx)
3rd. Watch.. 00.30 To 03.30am (approx)
4th. Watch.. 03.30 To 06.30am (approx)
Likewise, So Was The Day:
1st. Watch.. 06.30am To 09.30am approx
2nd Watch.. 09.30am To 12.30pm approx
3rd Watch.. 12.30pm To 15.30pm approx
4th Watch.. 15.30pm To 18.30pm approx
Note The Illustration Below:
Now let us return to St Mark ch. 15:25,
"And it was the 3rd. Hour and they Crucified Him"
Now if we were to consider for a moment that this verse 25 of St Mark should read, "And it was the 3rd. Watch and they Crucified Him"....
Then this would absolutely agree with St John`s Ch.19 vs. 14-16, account of Yahushua being impaled some time after 12.00 Noon, since the 3rd Watch of the Day begins approx. 12.30 Noon.
And All Seeming Contradictions Melt Away.
Well, the wonderful truth is, that in the Original Hebrew
(not Greek)
Scroll of St. Mark`s Account of Yahushua`s Trial,
the Relative Hebrew Word used in this verse is
which is rightly translated as a `Watch` or `Time-Frame`.
Thus, we discover that St. Mark and St. John are in absolute and total harmony.
Even so, the Greek word `Hora` in verse 25 under question could as easily be translated as `Hour`/`Season`/`Watch` but the Translators unfortunately appear to favour the `9: 0`clock Theory`, thereby introducing confusion into the Sacred Text.
Of course one must be aware that to be a Translator of Holy Scripture does not mean that one is an able student of theology.
It is apparent and unfortunate that scribal error, grammatical misunder-standing and a woeful theological exegesis has caused much confusion over many years to countless diligent Bible students.
Causing many to doubt the veracity of Sacred Scripture, even to the point of rejecting Biblical Faith.
Nevertheless, we discover yet again that Scripture is true in it`s declaration that.. "ALL SCRIPTURE IS INSPIRED OF ELOHIM "
Relevant Scriptures:
St Matthew ch.27:35 "And they impaled Him"
St Mark ch.15:25 "And it was the 3rd Watch* and they impaled Him"
St Luke ch.23:33 "And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they impaled Him"
St John ch.19: vs. 14, 17 & 18: "And it was the Preparation of the Pesach, and about the 6th Hour* ; And he (Pilate) said unto the Yahudim, "Behold Your Melech"....And He (Yahushua) bearing His Cross went forth into a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Ivrim, Gulgoleth, where they impaled Him..."
*Sometime after 12.30 noon