Well, since Yah`weh forbade His chosen People, the Hebrews, from consuming these meats He must surely have had good reason for doing so, since we know He is not a `petty-minded` Elohim (God).
Of course, many Christians take offence and pout like little children when it is explained to them that Yahuweh Who never changes, still views the eating of pork as an abomination today, as much as He did 6.000 years ago.
For some strange reason, many Christians who `say` that they believe that the `Old Testament` as they call it, is the Inspired and Unchanging Word of God, now believe it has changed as concerning pork consumption.
They even go as far as to say that the deeply orthodox Jewish Rabbi Yah`shua Ha-Moshiach (Jesus Christ) whom they call their Redeemer doesn`t care whether we eat pork or not, even though He emphatically declared,
"Think not that I have come to destroy the Torah, or the Prophets: I have not come to destroy it, but to reveal it`s full intended meaning, for truly I say unto you, until Heaven and the Earth pass away, one yud or nekudah shall in no wise pass from the Torah until all be fulfilled; Whoever, therefore shall break one of the least of these commandments and shall teach men to do so, shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven..."
(St.Matthew ch.5:17-19)
(One wonders if He would have been more at home in a synagogue and among His beloved, Jewish, Torah-keepers than He would, among many pig-eating Christians, some say He would)
The pork-loving Christian even goes as far as to say that that other deeply orthodox Jewish rabbi Shaul (who declared himself to be a pharisee of the pharisees) permits Yah`shua believers to consume pork, by the wilful misunderstanding and misquoting of his statement, "Nothing is to be refused if it is to be received with thanksgiving".
How can such thinking be?
One may well ask;
The only answer that can be given is that their Bible Teachers are theologically woefully ignorant and negligent of Eternal, Biblical Precepts.
And should one amongst them dare to rise up and uphold Biblical Supremacy rather than the traditions of their forefathers in this matter, very often that one is regarded as a crank at the very least or an heretic at the worst.
Very few Christians, it seems, who live in the Denominational World, will involve themselves in a thoroughful Biblical exegesis of `taboo` topics such as pork-consumption for fear of upsetting their `nice` pastor and being labelled a crank or `bad-apple` or even being ostracised from fellowship.
Nevertheless, the Word Of Elohim stands eternally sure,
(Leviticus ch.11 vs 7 & 8)
Albeit, this little study is not intended to be a theological one for that will be dealt with elsewhere on this Nazarene Yisrael web-site.
Rather we wish to bring into focus the health issues relating to eating pig-meat, for as we said earlier, the Elohim whom we worship has just and proper reason for forbidding all His children from eating the pig.
He doesn`t make `petty rules` just for the sake of it, as some may imagine.
Also included in this short study is a little historical record of Scotland`s past abhorrence of swine.
And if perchance, this little study itself turns even one away from pig-eating it would be well worth all the effort of writing.
We consider that one of the reasons Elohim calls the pig an unclean animal and not fit to be eaten is because it is `unhealthy` for human welfare, and if we still require a reason then the following is very apt to take into consideration:
Pigs Are Scavengers.
They are notorious for eating anything, including their own faeces and garbage, and lapping up their own urine as well as that of other animals. A pig will eat sick, infected and dying animals, including it`s own piglets which die from disease.
They will eat dead, rotting chickens, rotting corpses of vermin as well as rotting vegetables and maggots.
Nothing but nothing is taboo to them.
They will even consume the cancerous growths from other dead animals.
A point to note that, unlike a cow which has 4 compartments to it`s stomach (reticulum, rumen, omassum, abomassum) in which to digest it`s vegetarian diet, a pig has only one compartment to it`s stomach to digest it`s unhealthy diet.
A pig can fully digest it`s food in 4 hours (up to 15 times faster than other animals).
It has one of the quickest and poorest digestive systems of any animal.
Because of the speed of it`s digestive process, much of it`s dangerous toxins aren`t removed and are stored in it`s fat and these toxins and poisons also find a home in it`s flesh which in many cases is consumed only hours afterwards by humans.
The meat and fat of a pig absorbs toxins like a sponge.
Their meat can be 30 times more toxic than beef or venison and when introduced into the human body through eating can cause untold miseries.
Pig-meats are notorious for being infected with
parasites, worms, flukes, trichinae and tapeworms and tapeworm-eggs
which if not cooked long enough at high temperatures, will find a loving home in the intestines of pork-hungry Christians, which then cause much of the diseases that the western world is plagued with.
In fact, if truth be told, there is no safe temperature at which pork can be cooked to kill off all these parasites, worms, and their eggs.
What Kind Of Parasites Should You Be Concerned About?
Every kind.
But there are a number of major common parasites which can live in the human body and which we should be concerned about:
Protozoan, Flukes, Roundworms and Tape-worms.
are organisms that live in the blood, tissues and intestines
(Trematodes), or flatworms,
are likely the most common form of parasite found in humans worldwide.
Below Intestinal Flukes
include the families of
hookworm, pinworm, whipworm, threadworm, etc.
Above : Hookworm in human foot
Tapeworms are the largest of the parasites.
They are surprisingly mobile and will change their location daily within the host’s body. These segmented worms can release up to one million microscopic eggs per day, and infect other tissues in the body.
No wonder God said,
"Don`t even touch their dead carcases"
In fact, many health experts believe that over 90% of our population is infected with health destroying parasites, of many varieties, directly fed into our human system by the eating of pork, ham/ bacon, raw/uncooked meats.
is very, very tiny, and once ingested into the human body will lodge itself in the intestines, muscles, spinal cord and even the brain.
The trichina worm lives inside the small intestine of a host animal, where it mates and reproduces. Once her eggs have been fertilized, the female burrows into the intestinal wall and releases her larvae. The larvae migrate into the lymph channels of the intestine, from which they enter the bloodstream and travel to all parts of the body. When the larvae reach the skeletal muscles they burrow into the muscles and form tough cyst-like cocoons. The host secretes lime salts, which are deposited in the capsule, eventually transforming the capsule into a completely calcified cyst. The worms may live in the cyst for years until they are consumed and digested by another mammal.
Once in the stomach, the capsular coating of the larvae dissolves, and they are freed. The larvae mature quickly, in about 16 days, and mate in the small intestine of their new host. If the larvae that live in the muscle tissues aren't eaten after several years, they will die and the cyst will completely calcify.
The most common way that humans become infected with trichinosis is by eating raw or undercooked pork. People can also become infected by eating wild game, such as bear, cougar, fox, dog, wolf, horse, seal, or walrus. Within a few days, the victim becomes feverish and experiences abdominal symptoms: pain, nausea, vomiting, and watery stools. A few days later the victim may still have pains in the joints, headaches, and swelling of the face. In addition, severe pain develops in the muscles of the limbs, in the chest, and in the eyes. Breathing is often painful because the diaphragm becomes heavily infected. The illness gradually subsides after seven to 14 days, although it can be fatal for about five percent of people. As of now, there is no known specific treatment for trichinosis, but it can be prevented. Trichina cysts in meat can be destroyed completely by thoroughly cooking the meat to 170° F (77° C) or by freezing the meat for three to four weeks.
Cured or smoked pork is not safe for consumption.
The specimen presented here was imaged with a Nikon Eclipse E600 microscope operating with fluorite and/or apochromatic objectives and vertical illuminator equipped with a mercury arc lamp. Specimens were illuminated through Nikon dichromatic filter blocks containing interference filters and a dichroic mirror and imaged with standard epi-fluorescence techniques. Specific filters for the trichina worm stained thin section were a B-2E/C and a Y-2E/C. Photomicrographs were captured with an Optronics MagnaFire digital camera system coupled to the microscope with a lens-free C-mount adapter
Parasites can infect anyone.
In fact, it’s highly likely that you are already infected by one or more of over 1000 known parasites which can live in your body at any one time and adversely affect your health
It is believed by some scientists that parasitic infection is more likely responsible for diseases like cancer, diabetes, liver dysfunction, even HIV infection, and others than traditionally accepted.
Parasites are difficult to test for, and often present symptomatic characteristics of other diseases, like flus and colds, migraine headaches, cysts, neurological disorders, anemia, chronic fatigue and general tiredness, frequent constipation, chronic weight problems, iron deficiency, etc.
Parasites prefer an acid pH to live in, and often cause a worsening of pH wherever they choose to infest, secreting a number of toxins which imbalance pH, becoming too acidic or alkaline.
Parasitical invasion can lead to the serious condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome and Gall Stones.
One of the resulting diseases for the human is Trichinosis which has been scientifically proven to manifest itself as arthritis, rheumatism, gastritis, meningitis alzheimers, gall-bladder trouble, a host of digestive problems, liver cirrhosis, as well as cancerous growths, to name but a few.
The living parasites (from pigs) lodging in the human intestines `eat` up all the proteins from good foods which the human body consumes.
This in turn, can cause certain people to be `as thin as a rake` so there is no need to mock obese people or to be complacant if one is `thin`.
You need to find out if you have `lodgers` too.
Another thing to consider is that contrary to popular belief, a pig has no sweat glands
(have you ever heard the saying, `sweat like a pig?` - well don`t believe it).
Perspiration is a means to remove poisons and toxins from the body and since a pig doesn`t sweat then guess where it`s filthy poisons end up?
Yes, in it`s meat and fat which is then eaten as bacon-sandwiches.
The pig is so poisonous and filthy, that nature had to prepare him a sewer line or canal running down each leg with an outlet in the bottom of it`s foot.
Out of this hole oozes pus and filth it`s body cannot pass into it`s system fast enough.
Of course, some of this pus gets into the meat of the pig.
Strangely or rather, ironically, people who consume a lot of pork meats tend to be overweight and unhealthy just like the pig itself.
They also have a body odour which, as in the case of smokers, is unnoticed by them and sensed only by those who fully abstain from eating pig-meat.
Little wonder then, that when Yahushua was confronted by a man possessed with multiple demons, the demons pleaded with him to allow them to enter into the pigs (which He permitted).
The demons had decided that if they couldn`t possess the man any longer, then their next best choice of habitation was a filthy, diseased, smelly, unclean pig.
Like attracts like it seems.
My forebears farmed in the same area of the north-east of Scotland since the late 1670`s, and when I was a young man, my father told me that neither he nor any of his forbears going back 300 years would ever keep or rear pigs on any of the family farms.
They considered such creatures as being too filthy and dangerous to human health.
In fact, he said that none of his people would even eat the meat of pigs and that eating pig-meat was totally despised of by Highland Scots even up to the 1850`s.
My father`s father was born in 1843 and my own father in 1899, so he was a very close link to those non-pork-eating Christians of yesteryear.
Many of these ancestors lived well into their 80`s and 90 years, working the farms `til their dying day.
The well-known Scot`s author, Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) in several of his books wrote of the detestation and hatred Scots have regarding the eating of pig-meat.
In fact in the early 1800`s he wrote that
"Pork or swine`s flesh, in any shape, was, till of late years, much abominated by the Scotch (sic) nor is it yet a favourite food amongst them. King Jamie (James 1st of England and 6th. of Scotland) carried this prejudice to England, and is known to have abhorred pork almost as much as he did tobacco."
Dr Samuel Johnson, that most famous of English authors (1709-1784) writing in the late 1770`s about the inhabitants of the Isle of Skye, said,
"It is not very easy to fix the principles upon which mankind have agreed to eat some animals, and reject others; and as the principal is not evident, it is not uniform. The vulgar (ordinary) inhabitants of Skye, I know not whether of the other islands, have not only eels but pork and bacon in abhorrence, and accordingly I never saw a hog in the Hebrides, except one at Dunvegan"
Scots author, Donald McKenzie in his writings, quotes a verse from an English satirical song, "The Brewer" which referred to the Scottish taboo of pork thus:
Walter McGregor in his
`Notes on the folk-lore of the North-East of Scotland (Folklore Society 1881)`
"Among the many superstitious notions and customs prevalent among the lower order of the fishing towns on the east coast of Fife, til very recently, that class entertained a great horror of swine...."
Roman Catholic Bishop, John Lesley (1527-1596), in his,
`History of Scotland 1436-1561`
writes that,
"Our cuntrie peple have lytle plesure in eating pig"
And at least 4 Church of Scotland ministers writing about their Parishes for the
`Statistical Accounts of Scotland` (1791-99; Volume 6, page 177)
recorded regarding the southern area of Scotland,
"The deep-rooted prejudice against swine`s flesh is now removed: most of the farmers (in Argylle) rear some of that species, which not 30 years ago , they held in the utmost detestation."
It is certainly clear by these few witnesses (among many) that pig consumption throughout Scotland was not only totally unknown `til recent centuries, but also considered an awful abomination.
The decline in abstaining from eating pig meat appears to have been introduced into southern Scotland in the very late 1790`s and did not reach the Northern and Highland areas until 60 years later, in the late 1850`s, where eating pork was still very deeply despised of, both by the farming communities as well as the fisher-folk.
As mentioned earlier, Yahuweh forbade His people eating pig-meat.
Having considered some of the many health issues at stake, we now realize why.
It seems that our own Catholic and strict Presbyterian Scottish ancestors, (as did the ancient Israelites), had more sense regarding pig-related health issues than we have in this supposedly enlightened 21st Century.
For the multitude of Christians to have any case for the devoutly Torah-Keeping Jewish Messiah and Rabbi, Yah`shua to allow them to eat pig-meat, and still be termed His `followers`, then the pig would have to totally clean up it`s act and stop passing parasites and diseases onto the human race and be pronounced `Kosher` by Yahushua Himself.
I don`t think that has happened at anytime in the past 2.000 years...do you?
Paralysis Outbreak In Meat Workers Handling Pigs' Brains Featured Article Main Category: Neurology / Neuroscience
Also Included In: Veterinary; Nutrition / Diet Article Date: 04 Feb 2008 - 6:00 PDT
"Investigation of Progressive Inflammatory Neuropathy Among Swine Slaughterhouse Workers --- Minnesota, 2007---2008:."
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). MMWR January 31, 2008 / 57 (Early Release);1-3. Sources: CDC MMWR, Washington Post.
`The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an update last week to its investigation of an outbreak of a paralysing condition that is affecting certain meat processing plant workers who use compressed air to remove the brains from the heads of pig carcases.
The illness is called Progressive Inflammatory Neuro-pathy (PIN) and its symptoms range from acute paralysis to gradual increase of weakness on both sides of the body, which in some cases happens over 8 days and in others over 213 days. The symptoms vary in severity from slight weakness and numbness to paralysis that affects mobility, mostly in the lower extremities.
The current thinking, which is yet to be proved, is that the meat workers are being exposed to splatter and aerosol droplets of pig brain tissue created by the compressed air blast, which liquefies the tissue before expelling it from the pig skull. Once inhaled, small particles of pig brain tissue are then attacked by the worker's immune system which uses antibodies that also attack the body's own almost identical human nerve tissue.
Following the PIN outbreak in a Minnesota meat process-ing plant, the CDC launched a nationwide survey of large slaughterhouses and found two more meat plants that had used the compressed air system recently. One of the plants was also reporting cases of a neurologic illness among its meat processing workers.
The outbreak came to the attention of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) in October last year, when it started getting reports of an unexplained neurologic illness among meat processing workers in a swine slaughterhouse in Southeast Minnesota, and which the CDC calls "plant A".
The MDH conducted a full and detailed investigation of the plant, which employs some 1,200 workers and pro-cesses 18,000 pigs a day. They interviewed workers and looked at health records, and found a total of 12 employ-ees who have either been confirmed as having PIN (8 so far), probably have it (2), or possibly have it (2).
The 12 workers, six of whom are female, started having symptoms between November 2006 and November 2007 and reported being healthy beforehand. They ranged in age from 21 to 51 years.
According to the MDH, 11 of the 12 workers affected showed evidence of axonal or demyelinating peripheral neuropathy (damage to nerve fibres and surrounding protective tissue). Spinal fluid taken from 7 of the workers showed they had high protein levels with little or no rise in pleocytosis or white blood cell count. A raised white blood cell count is usually evidence of inflammation.
However, five patients showed evidence of inflammation when examined by spinal MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), four of them in peripheral nerves or roots and one in the anteorior spinal cord.
All 12 affected workers said they either worked at or had contact with the area of the plant where pig heads were processed (called the "head table"). The head table was in an area of the plant known as the "warm room".
The MDH conducted a case-controlled study that included 10 of the 12 workers (the 8 confirmed and the 2 probable cases of PIN), and two control groups: a random selection of 48 healthy workers from the warm room, and all 65 healthy workers from the head table. After examining throat swabs and blood samples from the consenting participants, the MDH to date has not found any infectious agent that could explain the PIN symptoms.
Futher results from the case-control study showed that 7 of the 10 workers with PIN (70 per cent of the case patients) were seven times more likely to have worked at the head table than the controls from the warm room (25 per cent, or 12 of 48). Case patients were also more likely to have handled brains and muscle from pigs' heads than members of either control group.
Travel outside the US or inside the US, exposure to chemicals, including fertilizers and insecticides, or having had vaccinations, were also not found to be causes of the PIN illness.
The health authorities then investigated the processing methods and safety equipment in the warm room and the head table in particular, and concluded, for now, that the compressed air method used to liquefy and remove the brain tissue from the pigs' heads could be causing the PIN through creating aerosol droplets of brain tissue that is then inhaled by the workers.
The plant operator has suspended use of the compressed air equipment voluntarily and stepped up use of personal protective equipment (PPE), including face shields and long sleeves for the head table workers and any other workers who want to use additional PPE, said the CDC report.
Following the Minnesota plant A outbreak report, the CDC surveyed all 25 federally inspected swine slaughter-houses in the US with more than 500 employees. They found three plants, including Minnesota plant A, using the compressed air method to remove pigs' brains. The other two are in Nebraska and Indiana. Of those, only the Indiana plant has reported cases of suspected PIN, which are currently being further assessed. In the meantime, all three plants have stopped using the compressed air method to remove brain tissue, said the CDC.
The CDC said that: "Whether compressed-air devices are being used for pig-brain extraction in other slaughter-houses or processing facilities, in the United States or internationally, is unknown."
"Clinicians should provide CDC with information regard-ing swine slaughterhouse workers who might have ill-nesses similar to PIN, including patients with peripheral neuropathy, myelopathy, or features of both."
If doctors see any patients who work in slaughterhouses with these symptoms, they should report them to their state health department and also let the CDC know on 770-488-7100.
A puzzling feature of this outbreak was raised by the plant owner at one of the affected plants, who started as a floor walker in 1970. He told the Washington Post that they had been "harvesting pig brains since 1998, using the same method and the same 70-pound pressure air hose." So why did the outbreak not take place ten years ago, when they started using the method? The plant owner said that was the "million-dollar question"`.
Article Written by:
Catharine Paddock, PhD
Copyright: Medical News Today
Above Article Not To Be Reproduced Without Permission Of `Medical News Today`
by a
Father-of-two, 46, almost dies after eating undercooked meat
By Daily Mail Reporter United Kingdom.
June 2011:
A father-of-two today told how he almost died after eating an under-cooked pork chop.
Darren Ashall, a plant operator from Chorley, Lancashire, developed a potentially lethal brain bug that has left him in hospital for nearly five months.
The 46-year-old cannot walk and still struggles to communicate. However, doctors told him he is lucky to be alive after listeria meningitis attacked his immune system and left an abscess on his brain.
Darren was described as the 'life and soul of the party' before he developed a brain abscess. He is now wheel-chair bound but hopes to walk again.
He first fell ill after cooking two pork chops on a caravan stove while working away from home in Birmingham (UK).
He said: 'I thought one of the chops wasn't cooked properly. I regretted eating it straight away. I knew it was a mistake.
'A month later I went to hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. After three days, my face started drooping on one side and people thought I was having a stroke.
'I was treated for that, but nothing helped.'
Darren had picked up the listeria bug, which can lay dormant for up to 70 days. He first visited Chorley and South Ribble Hospital on February 11 but was initially sent home.
He returned two days later after his condition worsened and he was checked into intensive care. His wife Paula, 43, and sons Sam, 19, and Jack, 21, kept a bedside vigil as he deteriorated.
Mrs Ashall said she was sure her husband was going to die. She said: 'On Darren's birthday the doctor took us into a side room and told us how poorly he was and I was convinced they were going to tell me he wouldn't make it.
'I just had this horrible feeling he was going to die. They said that if he had been a couple of years older he wouldn't have made it.'
Paralysed: Darren was close to dying but said he was determined to keep fighting for the sake of his family
Darren was left completely paralysed and was even placed on a ventilator to help him breathe.
After a few weeks he was transferred to the Royal Preston Hospital and slowly regained his sight and voice.
Speaking from his hospital bed, he said: 'It was such a battle and the experience absolutely drained me.
'I was in intensive care and I was too scared to close my eyes because I didn't think I'd ever wake up again.
'I was surrounded by my children and my wife Paula, and they all just looked terrified.
'We found it hard to talk about my condition without crying, and we often thought it would be the last time we saw each other.
'But I told myself I wasn't going to die, and I slowly started to win the fight.'
He added: 'My family have been my rock, and I'm looking forward to being back at home with them. The man I used to be is long gone though.'
Darren will never fully recover from the effects of the bug and will need antibiotics for the rest of his life.
In addition, once he regains the ability to walk he will have to rely on a scooter for long distances.
He said: 'I feel so vulnerable now, and worried about what lies ahead, but this has really made me appreciate what I've got.
'Life is so precious and fragile, and you could have a big house and a fancy car, but none of that matters at the end of the day.'
Darren has vowed to cook for himself again one day. He also wants to write a book and wishes to set up a charity to thank the nursing staff who cared for him.
Paula said: 'Compared to how he was, he has made a lot of progress. He couldn't talk or move at all and his vision went double.
'His vision is back and he has managed to teach himself how to speak again.
'Before all this, Darren used to be the life and soul of the party. Now he's a shadow of his former self - but I'm just glad he's still alive.'
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